witch lady

Free background from VintageMadeForYou

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016

She Was Happy

Oh, she had nothing,
And was nobody
When she was happy.

Her days were lighter,
People much kinder
When she was happy.

Her smile, so tender,
Her sweet surrender
Was not for posing
When she was happy.

Long time ago,
When innocence
Was in her soul...
-And she was happy.

And then she turned
Into a doll
Before the cameras
For grown-up boys
To look and play with.

Her smile became
So artificial,
Her eyes were empty 
And all they wanted
Was to posses her,
Body and soul.

And when she died,
Sad, cold and dry,
Her last thought, was
For the old days,
(The days she missed)
When she was happy...

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  Capim, capim, capim. Algumas árvores ressecadas. Chão de barro, poeira, poeira, poeira. Calor. Calor infernal, impossível de ser suporta...