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Mostrando postagens com marcador FROM MY WINDOW - POEMS IN ENGLISH. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador FROM MY WINDOW - POEMS IN ENGLISH. Mostrar todas as postagens

quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2019


There’s a place I can go
Where I take off my mask
And I take off my shoes
Close my eyes, and I miss you…
No-one’s there to tell me
Silly things I won’t hear
Like “Life must go on,
You gotta be strong…”

There’s a place where I go
And I can’t find you there
But at least, I can see you
In the memories I keep
Deep inside when I miss you.

And if I really try,
I can hear your smile,
Gel the apples of our eyes
For a five-minute forever…

So as far as I know,
In this place where I go
I can feel it was real
Through the love that I sow
On the fertile ground
That you left in my heart
And my soul.


Sinto Sua Falta

Há um lugar que posso ir
Onde eu tiro minha máscara
E eu tiro meus sapatos
Fecho os olhos, e sinto saudades de você...
Ninguém está lá para dizer-me
Coisas que eu não ouvirei
Como "A vida continua,
Você tem que ser forte..."

Há um lugar aonde eu vou
E eu não posso encontrar você lá
Mas ao menos, posso ver você
Nas memórias que eu guardo
Aqui dentro, quando sinto saudades suas.

E se eu realmente tentar,
Poderei ouvir seu riso,
Gelificar as pupilas dos nossos olhos
Por eternos cinco minutos...

Então, tanto quanto eu sei,
Neste lugar aonde eu vou
Posso sentir que foi verdadeiro
Através do amor que eu semeio
No solo fértil
Que você deixou em meu coração
E na minha alma.

quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2019

Stand Up For Yourself (Defenda a Si Mesmo)

Um poema - na verdade, uma letra de música em inglês, que passou pela minha cabeça enquanto eu arrumava a casa. É assim mesmo, às vezes, quando estou arrumando a casa, as coisas surgem entre uma tarefa e outra...:

Stand Up For Yourself

I know exactly what it means
To fall apart at the seams
‘Cause I’ve been there quite a few times.
But there’s one thing that I have learned:
Playing the victim doesn’t work
Stand up for yourself and rise.

If it is pitty that you want
I’ll tell what it will beget:
Black vultures flying in your sky.
Whining and winning do not match
Hold your head high, and don’t forget
To drop that big bottle of wine.

Stand up for yourself,
Stand up for yourself
And you will see,
Sooner or later you’ll be fine,
Stand up for yourself,
Stand up for yourself,
And you will see,
Won’t ever need to get high.


Defenda a Si Mesmo

Sei exatamente o que significa
Ser despedaçado
Porque já aconteceu comigo algumas vezes.
Mas há uma coisa que aprendi:
Bancar a vítima não funciona,
Defenda a si mesmo e erga-se!

Se é piedade que você quer,
Eu direi o que irá atrair:
Urubus voando no seu céu!
Reclamar e vencer não combinam
Erga a cabeça, e não se esqueça
De largar aquela grande garrafa de vinho.


Defenda a si Mesmo,
Defenda a si mesmo,
E você verá
mais cedo ou mais tarde, você ficará bem.
Defenda a si mesmo, 
Defenda a si mesmo,
E você verá,
Não precisará nunca ficar 'doidão.'

Obs: 'Stand up for yourself' é uma expressão que significa lutar por aquilo que você acredita, lutar por si mesmo e por suas ideias e crenças.

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018


If I found an E.T walking around in my garden, 

I’d surely ask him what he was doing there, 

Since there isn’t anything special or different 

But birds and beetles that with him I could share. 

I’d probably invite him into my closet 

To spare him from curious neighbors and apocalypse prophets 

There he could have some fun trying on my dresses 

And checking how he’d look in one of my pajamas. 

If I found an E.T peeping through in my garden, 

I would surely not call the FBI, don’t start it! 

I would like to spend some time with him, chatting 

And I’d ask if he’d take me with him to his planet. 

I would walk him on a tour in my spacious bedroom 

Making sure he felt comfortable, and whatever’s necessary 

And if he were so gentle to show me some patience, 

Who knows, maybe I could propose him marriage? 

I’d probably ask him if he’d been here before 

And once met a girl named Drew Barrymore, 

If he rode on a bike on a flight by the moon 

And of course, if he meant to be back so soon… 

When we were saying goodbye, I’d hold him  tight 

And invite him to come again, and stay for a while 

But that time, I’d advise him to please not to forget 

To pack in his bag his own goddamn mobile!

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2018


I never wanted you to come and stay
But never wished that you would go away.
I was so happy when I heard you meow
When you came into through my bathroom window.

Then we were friends, and not so long ago
I'd always find you sleeping in my bed...
At times I felt you were trespassing, though...
But now you're gone, I feel so very sad!

Where has she gone, where is the little cat
I used to see, who kept me company?
She stood beside when I was weak and ill
And I can feel her silent presence still.

She moved away with her real family
The lonely one now that she's gone is me!
No-one comes in, the bathroom window is bare
I miss that long, suspicious precious stare!

sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2018

I'm Whole

I’m whole, 
I’m here.

My eyeballs rolling down the mountains,
Falling like pebbles in the lake,
Splashing out my furious presence 
Finally sinking in the grace…

I’m whole, 
I’m here!

I’m in the song that the wind sings
Between the ticks of the old clock
I’m in the letters that I draw
Hearing the drops of falling rain!

I’m whole,
I’m here!

I smell the flowers I pass by,
I laugh the laughter that a joke brings
And if I ever have to cry,
I shed my tears while I sing.

I’m whole,
I’m here.

domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017


Your words drop into my ears
Like in quicksand,
Sink in the silence
Of my own lack of words.

I don't know what else to say,
I've run out of options
I've become creatively numb.

If only I had a word
That could fit into your needs
And fill in your craving for answers
Which can't be found
In the depths of your own

quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017

What's the Difference?

If there will be photographs in a box
Or on a cloud somewhere,
What difference does it make?

The result is the same,
The end is the same for all of us.
Where one goes, the others will follow,
With or without a farewell party,
With or without tears,
Whether someone misses us 
Or not.

In my last moments in this life,
It won't matter what I'll leave behind,
But I'll dream of another life without the same mistakes,
A life where I'll be able to make smarter choices,
And that will make the difference.

sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2017



The wonderful land that Alice found
In a hole, under a tree trunk
Was not as wonderful as she had imagined.

Even there,
There were people enslaved to watches,
Foolishly stuck in a sea of muddy vanity
And arrogant queens who killed their subjects.

But when she opened her eyes and returned
To the plain world she had left behind,
She created a fantasy land
That made real people envy her.
(You know, kids like to tell tall stories...)

quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2017

The Child's Flight

Once upon a time
There was a child
Who wanted to fly.

She climbed on the back of a bird
And it took her high.

She gained the sky,
Touched every cloud with her fingertips
And tasted the sweetness of  their vapors
With the tip of her tongue.

Then she looked down,
At the people who walked on the ground
(Those whom she was no longer among).

She gained the sky,
But lost the world...
She was no longer
A child.

segunda-feira, 3 de julho de 2017

Where Did The Love go?

I thought it had been lost, 
Long ago.
As I walked,
I stepped on the ground
Trying to feel a trace of its heartbeat
Under my feet
Almost dead,
Still pulsing...

I looked around
At the vast fields of a two-sided lost war
(For no-one ever wins a war)
Trying to feel its name in the wind...

Where did the love go?

And then silence.

The awesome consternation
That it had been there all the time,
Sleeping in the beauty of a faded dream,
Waiting for the growth of new wings,

quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017

When I'm Lost

When I'm lost
And need a guiding light,
I'll search for our memories
Into the night.

When I'm old
(If old I become)
I hope never to regret
For what I haven't done.

At the gate
That separates the worlds,
I'll be standing and waiting
Among colors of gold.

terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017


All that fits into a look 
Rehearses a farewell. 

There are too many dry leaves 
On the grass of my life, 
Swept away from their moments, 
Born to not stay ... ... 

Your skin is so ephemeral, 
 Fleeting is your look! 
And every touch is goodbye...

Each encounter creates roads 
To take you away from me...

 Nothing ever stays, 
We are lonely creatures ... 
It is part of our essence
To turn ties into knots.

segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2017

quinta-feira, 1 de junho de 2017

The Problem

You frowned; looked angry and quarrelled
Because of just one little word
You don't want to see me tomorrow,
And I wonder: was that ever worth?

Because yesterday I said 'no'
But that's not an issue, I guess
The problem was not to say 'no',
But having said always just 'yes'. 

quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017


Because I keep many blogs, many people ask me: "Where does your inspiration come from?" Well, I really don't know. I haven't travelled a lot, so I cannot say that I get inspiration from the many things I've seen or from the many people I've met. In fact, I haven't met many people in my life. I have a very quiet life and work from home, and I don't have a lot of friends.

I read a lot, though. But the things I write have nothing to do with the things I read. I write when I feel inspiration... and here I go again: where does it come from? 

I believe that one day this eager to write will disappear. It will be gone mysteriously, just like it came to me one day. I don't think there's a way to control it: I just sit down and write when I think I need to. It's like a very delicate thread that I hold in the air, and someday a strong wind will blow and take it away. 

Some people think I'm a writer. I don't agree. Writers write professionally and make a living out of it. Writers take writing seriously; I don't. It's just fun. Although there are people who have told me I'm talented, I doubt if they were telling me the truth or just trying to make me happy. Whatever the truth is, I really don't mind. I write because it makes me feel good. It's something beyond other people's judgment or approval. 

I write because I write. Just because. 

segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017


Little drops of rain
Dropping one by one
On the flower petals,
On the window pane.

They knock on the glass
And they say: “Remember!”
They turn into puddles
That splash on my fender.

Little drops of rain
Presents from the clouds
Wash away my fears,
Clearing up my doubts.

I look through the window
And sigh as they fall
My  whole world is  wet,
-From my eyes they fall…

quinta-feira, 11 de maio de 2017


I know
That she knows
That I know
What I know.

That's why
She's scared
Almost losing

She knows 
That I know
That she knows
That I know
What I know.

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017


I think was asleep
When I heard the steps that crossed the room
And stopped right behind 
My sleeping body.

I think I was asleep
When I felt cold hands on my back
Shaking me, removing my covers
And exposing me to the coldest breath.

I think I was asleep
When I felt icy fingers moving on my shoulders,
And stopping at my neck
Pressing gently, then, strongly.

I think I am asleep
While I fly over the top roofs of my neighborhood
And look at everybody down there
Waking and walking out of their homes
Without being able to see me.



        No seu conceber, Cinco quilos me separam da esbelteza. Cinco passos, até que eu seja O 'eu' Que você deseja.   Cinco meses, ...