witch lady

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quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2016

What a Mess!

I look around
And I find out
I'd rather not open my eyes.

For what I see, 
I think the world is ending,
And there's no way to disguise it.

What a damn mess!
It seems that chaos
Has come, at last!

I rest my head
Upon my hand
And watch what's left
Go down the drain...

3 comentários:

  1. You have a lot of company. All we can do now is have faith, and hope for the best.

  2. I think we should help Trump succeed even if we don't care for him. It's too late now and the alternative could be chaos. Your poem expresses the way I sometimes feel.

    1. I totally agree with you! And maybe he won't be as bad as we think. But the President of the USA has a strong influence (and power) over the whole world, including Brazil, so I hope he looks at us with friendly eyes.


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        No seu conceber, Cinco quilos me separam da esbelteza. Cinco passos, até que eu seja O 'eu' Que você deseja.   Cinco meses, ...